Other Projects

Now back to business.

When I talk with my artistic friends — be they directors, screenwriters, actors and the like — the conversations inevitably turn to the business side.

How to pitch, what to pitch, how much to pitch, to whom to pitch, how to engage, how to advance the deal, how to gain commitment… because that’s the reality. 

And what I find is that my decades as a marketer is, allow me to say it, extremely valuable to most of these new friends and colleagues.

And what I also find is… I love it.

Yin Yang rules the universe.

For the past two decades, I’ve helped companies of all sizes, from Fortune 100s to startups to solopreneurs sell more effectively.

Now as I’m developing my projects and collaborating with filmmakers on their projects, helping them is like a dream come true…. and the opportunities cross-pollinate.

Send me an email.