Wow! What a ride it’s been. The near meltdown of the past 24 months, and the break-neck speed of the information age over the past 20-some years. Some mornings I wake up and don’t know whether to fasten my seatbelt or hit the eject button!
This blog is for everybody in sales, but especially for those professionals who have left the corporate world for whatever reason and are starting their own businesses or joining small start-ups. They feel like experts in their technical area, but now have to sell… or die. That’s one half of this Brave New World of Sales.
The other half is the marketplace. The buyers, the prospective clients. They’re scared right now, and probably will be for some time, with downsizing all around them and not a lot of alternatives in the job market. One thing they do have is a lot of information, but not always a lot of time or capacity to interpret it all. Your initiatives with them may have to go through multiple decision-makers. Unlike the movie, The Matrix, your buyer might not always be willing to “show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” That’s the Scary New World your buyer faces… and just part of what today’s entrepreneurs and Brave New Salespeople must deal with.
Let’s talk about how to successfully bridge this gap. Let’s talk about “Selling in the Brave New World.”
Photo by D. Alan Harris Photography