Hey there!
Thanks for joining me in the webinar, Close More Sales In First Meetings With Prospects and Win More Business.
I’m Jack Vincent. I had spent much of my career selling and driving businesses successfully for other people before I went into business for myself.
I sold premiere wines to hotel chains and high-end restaurants.
Then I sold and marketed global sponsorships and TV broadcast rights to events like the Olympic Games and the ATP Men’s Tennis Tour.
The tickets for those deals were sometimes 40 million dollars.
And guess what.
Those deals were easier to sell than those for my own services in the five and six digit ranges when I went into business for myself.
I had no brand equity, but I had damn good stuff, I just knew it.
It was valuable stuff…but only if I could sell it.
Only if they would buy it.
It wasn’t easy.
I had the occasional successes mixed with more than the occasional rejections…
… and mixed with some deals that took a few meetings to close and then turned out to be a lot of smaller than expected.
All that effort. All that hope.
They say, “Hope is not a strategy.”
Guess what else. Hope is not a high-return methodology.
And hope is certainly not a best practice, a valuable skill.
I realized that something had to change.
I either had to go back to work for somebody else… or change my line of work.
But even then, I’d need to sell.
So I retrained myself in B2B sales.
I studied and practiced customer-focus selling, value selling, consultative selling.
I got better, little by little.
And, along the way, I’ve observed some very skilled salespeople in my long career.
The very best salespeople and business development teams always have an effective methodology, and they use it every day.
One thing became crystal clear: You win buyers’ hearts and minds in the first meeting… or you don’t.
If it’s an individual, he or she is either won over in that first meeting, or not.
If your principal buyer is within a complex organization, and if you win him or her over in the first meeting, they will go to the wall for you. They will go to the wall for bringing you on board so that they can benefit from your magic.
You have to win them over in that first meeting.
If not, they might ask you to send them a proposal, but they won’t be helping you to craft the proposal.
Meanwhile, if they don’t find somebody better than you, externally or even internally, they may buy from you.
But they’ll grind you on the price and deliverables, and you’ll often do a lot of work to get a piece of business that you’d hoped was bigger.
Buyers either want you in a big way in the first meeting… or they just kinda’ like you.
There are tools for winning in a big way, and that’s what my webinar’s all about.
Win More Business in First Meetings
& Close More Sales
Enter your details here and join me on Tuesday evening 27th August, 20:00 CET, 19:00 GMT.
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Your business success depends on your sales success.