February, 2010

Speaking at a Conference? 8 Tips for Industry Leaders

Speaking at a Conference? 8 Tips for Industry Leaders

I returned from a major industry conference two days ago Was I disappointed!  While the networking was good, the presentations overall were......

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Great Presentations, TED Style

Great Presentations, TED Style

Selling is not all about presenting.  But sometimes you, indeed, need to present.  Here are a few great tips from the founder of TED. How to...

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Smart Networking at Events & Conferences

Here's a link to a good piece on networking at conferences: http://bit.ly/NetworkingAtConferences For shorter events, it's amazing how many...

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How the Mighty Fall – “Hubris Born of Success”

I've read some good reviews on this book, and have just ordered it. "How the Mighty Fall," by none other than Jim Collins.  Amazon, How the...

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Scoring Big in Sales

Oh, no, not another sports analogy. At an expat networking event the other evening, I had an interesting chat with the Chief Commercial Officer of...

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