Fear of rejection is what holds many of us back from initiating conversations. Whether in dating or in sales prospecting, the real consequences of...
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How To Get Leads: A Tale Of Two (Holiday) Raffles
Or... A Christmas Story Once upon a time, manager from Company A was sitting next to manager from Company B at an industry Christmas...
Continue Reading →Nine Steps To Selling At Trade Shows
You're all set... ... for your company's trade show. Stand, decor, brochures, business cards, smile. Sorry, but deep inside, you know...
Continue Reading →Prospecting In New Markets: Fish Where The (Fat) Fish Are
Full disclosure... My idea for this post came while reading Chris Brogan's post of yesterday, Fishing Off The Back...
Continue Reading →Team Selling? “Pull and Load”
One thing I enjoy about working with companies from different sectors is that it's a fertile source for my own learning. Sometimes a solution I...
Continue Reading →Make a “Cold Call” Warmer – The Triggering Event
Happiness is a Warm... Trigger. O.K., I'm dating myself, and revealing my wanna-be cult past. The above is a play on a Beatles title, one of...
Continue Reading →Bridge to Customer Needs
The last conference speaker before lunch was fantastic. He was engaging as a presenter, he really knew his stuff, his material was...
Continue Reading →Storytelling By Email: 9 Best Practices
In the Brave New World, we're all fighting for share of voice, as well as impact. Email is no exception. One way to cut through the clutter...
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